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Beautify Your Smile With Effective Cosmetic Dentistry

If your smile is affected by dental imperfections, such as cracks, chips, or staining, Georgetown Sleep Dentistry can enhance the look of your teeth with cosmetic dentistry at our Georgetown practice. We gently apply years of dental expertise and proven treatment methods to optimize your teeth’s appearance. Dental imperfections are easily treatable with the right procedure and custom-created solutions.

Headshot portrait of happy mid adult

Cosmetic Treatments We Offer at Our Georgetown Practice

Georgetown Sleep Dentistry takes pleasure in beautifying our patients’ teeth. You deserve a perfect smile and the confidence that goes with it, so we ensure your flawless oral appearance with various cosmetic treatment options. We work with you to select which treatments will get you the results you desire, whether you need to cover stains or fix unsightly chips and spacing issues. Our collection of expert cosmetic options includes the following.

Our Collection of Expert Cosmetic Options

Dental Veneers

We bond these thin laminates directly to the front of your teeth to correct chips, cracks, discoloration, uneven spacing, and other dental imperfections. Each veneer gets custom-created to fit your teeth precisely and match your aesthetic preferences in shade and appearance. The results are impressive with a flawless, natural-looking smile without the unsightly stains and imperfections.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is specially made to cover the entirety of your tooth, improve its strength, and keep it protected from bacteria and other harmful elements. These custom-built dental restorations come in various material choices, such as porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, and gold. Porcelain crowns give you the most natural-looking appearance and a strong biting surface. We will discuss your options and create a crown that blends with your surrounding natural teeth.


If you have issues like gaps between your teeth or stains ruining your perfect smile, we can use bonding to alter your teeth, close gaps, and cover any discoloration. Our team applies a resin material directly to the tooth’s surface and shapes it to fix imperfections. We then harden the material using a special light. Bonding effectively alters your teeth’s color and shape and enhances their appearance with a natural look.

Providing Quick & Efficient Treatment to Every Patient

Don’t let your dental imperfections keep you from smiling brightly. Georgetown Sleep Dentistry’s a professional and friendly team that can enhance your teeth and give them a flawless appearance. We make your comfort a priority and work with you on the best solution for your needs. If you have any questions about our treatment options, we will gladly explain what you can expect with each during your consultation.

Schedule an Appointment With Our Dental Team